I am so tired I can't even drag my heels around.

...Yo tenía un poco de tiempo libre por aquí, espera que lo estoy buscando, que estaba en este bolso fijo... / I had some spare time, it was here in this bag, just hold on, it was definately here...
La foto, de hace dos findes, que fuimos de compras y salió un día buenísimo! Vaqueros Gap, camiseta Oysho, blazer Topshop, bufanda Gap, bolso Zara, zapatos Matalan.
Picture from two weekends ago when we went shopping and weirdly the weather was really nice! Jeans from Gap, top from Oysho, scarf from Gap, bag from Zara, shoes from Matalan.
Tengo muchísimas cosas que publicar, pero nada de nada de tiempo!
Un besote y espero que perdonéis mi falta de formalidad!!
I've got many things to post but absolutely no time! Big hugs and sorry for being so unreliable with the posting!